Speech therapists can help with a range of speech and language concerns including:
- Articulation & phonology
- Pre-linguistic communication
- Receptive and expressive language
- Pragmatics & social skills
- Literacy (reading and writing) & phonological skills
- Feeding
- Cognitive skills
- Hearing rehabilitation
- Fluency
- Social communication
Some of the Standardised Assessment tools that the Speech & Language Team use include Language Tests (PLS-5, CELF-P2, CELF-5, PPVT, EVT), Speech Test (DEAP), Phonological Awareness Test (PAT2) and a Critical Thinking Skills Test (TOPS).
There is no minimum age. A child at any age with difficulties in speech or language would benefit from a referral or an assessment.
Are you worried about how your child is listening or talking?
Help is available.
Worried about your child's hearing?
Contact our certified audiologist. Audiologists can test your child's hearing. They test children of all ages, even babies. They can suggest ways to make your child’s hearing better.
Worried about your child’s speech and language?
Contact our speech-language pathologist, or SLP. SLPs help people who have problems with speech, language, and thinking skills. SLPs also work with people who have trouble feeding and swallowing. They can test and suggest ways to help your child
You can find SLPs and audiologists in:
- clinics
- colleges and universities
- home health
- hospitals
- industry
- nursing care facilities
- private practices
- public and private schools
- rehabilitation centers
- state and federal government agencies
- state and local health departments
No. Speech and language therapy involves a trained specialist in language acquisition and development, and can provide special intervention procedures to address any specific language delays or challenges. Language enrichment programmes or language tutoring are designed to enhance the language skills of a normal developing child.
- Developmental delays include not acquiring age appropriate speech sounds. For example, a child may say “waining” instead of “raining” or makes a slushy ‘s’ sound
- Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) or verbal apraxia or dyspraxia is when a child has difficulty sending accurate messages from the brain to the speech muscles impacting speech clarity
- Stammering or stuttering means a child makes involuntary stops or repetitions while speaking
- Children with facial or oral malformations, or genetic disorders such as a cleft lip or Down Syndrome, may have speech concerns
- Trouble understanding spoken and/or written language
- Limited use of words and ability to formulate extended or articulate sentences
- Frequent difficulty in thinking of words to use
As every individual and case is different, therapy sessions will vary depending on the individual’s needs. We offer sessions at school, onsite at our centre, or online through OPConnect. Sessions are typically one hour and include a combination of direct therapy with the child and indirect intervention with parents, caregivers or educators who work with the child.
Communication is the sharing of information. Speech and language are the tools we use to achieve communication. Speech is the physical act of talking by coordinating anatomical structures such as the lips, tongue and jaw to produce recognisable speech sounds like sh, p ah, ee and t etc. Language is a set of shared rules that allow people to express their ideas in a meaningful way. This may be through spoken, written or manual (signing) modes or non-verbal language such as gestures, eye contact, facial expressions and more.
No. However, the brain has greater plasticity in younger children so it is easier for them to reorganise their neural pathways to learn and retain new information. Hence, the importance of early intervention. It is important to note that speech and language potential differs greatly amongst individuals.
No. However, the ease at which the child could acquire a second language will depend on the nature or severity of difficulties with their first language.
One of the most common concerns of parents of toddlers, 18 months and older, is that their child is not talking yet. Children develop at different rates, however, there are signs that may indicate there is an underlying problem. A speech and language therapist can help with language disorders, speech sound disorders, stuttering, voice disorders and more. After assessment, a speech therapist will recommend a tailored treatment plan based on the individual’s needs. If you feel your child has a communication disorder, please reach out to us. We are here to help.
Early Signs of a Language Disorder
At 12 months old, these may be signs of a language disorder:
- Doesn’t smile or babble
- Doesn’t look at you or show interest in what others are doing
- Does not use gestures
At 2 years old, these may be signs of a language disorder:
- Doesn’t understand what others say or follow simple directions
- Says less than 10 words
- Does not know how to play with toys or use real objects
- Has trouble playing and talking with other children
Signs of a Speech Sound Disorder
At 2 years old, these may be signs of a language disorder:
- Makes only a few consonant sounds
- Cannot produce more than one syllable at a time
- Produces speech more than 50% unclear, even to familiar people
- Repeats first sounds of words like ”b-b-b-ball”
- Pauses often when talking
- Stretches sounds out like ”ffff-farm”
- Uses a hoarse or breathy voice
- Uses a nasal-sounding voice
A child’s outcome will vary greatly depending on many factors such as: the nature and severity of their difficulties, family and social history, quality and accessibility of education, and consistency of therapy.
Speech and language assessment and therapy is typically conducted in the same first language as the child.
Speech and Language Therapists have a Bachelors or Masters in Speech and Language Therapy. Therapists in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, must have a license to practice and are often members of their country’s National Association for Speech and Language Therapists. In Malaysia, the Allied Health Professions Act requires the therapist to be registered for practice. Our therapists are registered with both the Malaysian Association of Speech-Language and Hearing (MASH), and are both locally and internationally trained. Please contact us to find out more about our speech therapists.
Speech and language therapists have specialist knowledge in communication and voice and can be useful for those seeking professional advice in public speaking.
After assessment, the therapist will recommend a plan and duration of therapy. This may range from a few weeks to several months or years based on the client’s needs. Ongoing evaluations will monitor progress and determine if therapy needs to continue.
A place of love and nurturing, Oasis Place is the heart of change in Malaysia and beyond. We host regular events, workshops and programmes for children, parents, educators and health professionals to help the learning different community grow and thrive. Ready to jump on board? Check out our current and past events here.
Ready to seek help but prefer to do it from home, school or work? OPConnect is your gateway to all the assessments and therapies you need online. All you need is a computer with a camera, a microphone and internet connection. We use a range of videoconferencing applications including WhatsApp, Facetime, Skype and Zoom. You can connect safely and conveniently to all our psychologists and therapists - any time or place that suits you. Sounds good? Reach out to us today. We are here to help.
Oasis Place is Malaysia’s largest transdisciplinary intervention centre specialising in emotional and clinical psychology therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, music therapy and nutritional advice. Our team of experienced psychologists and therapists can assess and treat a range of learning and mental health issues including Autism, ADHD, Asperger's, Dyslexia, Down Syndrome, depression, global developmental delay, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, trauma, stress and more. It’s never too late to seek help. To find out more about how Oasis Place can help you or a loved one, please reach out to us. We are here to help.